When you are emotionally stable, the work will go well.
When you are emotionally stable, the work will go well.
Cultivating emotions is the basic skill of everyone in the workplace.


I have seen a joke with deep feelings on the Internet:

"in the workplace, you will communicate, add 10 points; cooperate, add 20 points; and open up resources, add 50 points;

but if you can't control your emotions, I'm sorry, deduct 100 points. "

in many cases, the stumbling block on the road to success is not lack of ability, but emotional instability.

there is a word called "emotional cost", which means that every minute you fall into emotion, you lose a minute to solve the problem.

at work, emotionally unstable people indulge in a bad mood, complain about anxiety, hold back, and their work efficiency is greatly reduced.

and people who are emotionally stable, do not hesitate or procrastinate in the face of problems, open roads in the mountains and build bridges in the water, and their work will naturally go smoothly.

most of the hardships at work are planted by emotion

remember seeing such a problem:

which part of a moving car scares you the most?

90% of people choose to brake.

cars with faulty brakes tend to cause serious accidents, as do emotions that get out of control at work.

writer Li Xiaoyi once shared one of her stories in the woman in full bloom:

once, she met a customer who was considered difficult to deal with, and this person was also her most important client. If she signed the contract, Li Xiaoyi's performance could be improved by at least 50% that month.

in order to win this client, Li Xiaoyi often stays up late into the night, trying to make her work impeccable.

but the plan has been changed dozens of times, the customers are not satisfied, the contract can not be signed after more than a dozen negotiations, and she feels aggrieved by creating difficulties again and again.

in a telephone communication, the other party began to find faults in the plan again, and every critical word made her even more aggrieved and angry.

thinking that she worked so hard but got nothing, Li Xiaoyi couldn't help saying loudly to the customer on the phone:

"your request is very unreasonable, and you are also very abnormal. Don't think that Party An is great. I won't serve you any more!"

with that, she slammed off the phone and felt very happy.

but soon the pleasure turned into despair, and she realized that she had screwed up and lay down on the table and began to cry.

the client herself told the story to her peers as a joke, causing many bosses to think that she was "incompetent and grumpy" and was unwilling to talk to her about business.

writer Huffland said: "of all the adverse effects in the world, the most likely to lead to success is often excessive emotion."

maybe you've had a similar experience:

encountered unreasonable customers, aggrieved and angry, contradicted and finally screwed up the cooperation.

the new job he takes over is very tricky. He complains and complains to everyone, but he is unable to pick himself up and do a good job.

the leader who stayed up late to work overtime did not approve of it, and immediately began to worry, collapse, and even want to quit.

I have seen such a sentence:

"emotions are like water. When they are stable, still water flows deep and nourishes all things."

is unstable, emotions are rough waves that can drown everything in an instant. "

the essence of work is to solve problems. Excessive emotions are not only useless, but can drag you down invisibly.

cultivating emotion is the basic skill of every working person.

work calmly, do things rationally, and learn to strengthen yourself quietly in order to eat less of the hardships of work.

the best working state is to stay away from emotional internal friction

Dong Yuhui once shared his sad experience in the studio:

22-year-old, he participated in a recruitment of New Oriental.

during the interview, candidates need to prepare an audition once a week. Every trial lecture, Dong Yuhui described it as "10 minutes of trial speech and an hour of scolding."

once the trial speech is not effective, or can not withstand the severe criticism of the interviewer, it will be eliminated.

although he was miserable in the face of criticism, Dong Yuhui never flinched and persisted again and again.

on his last trial, he felt so good about himself that he was still scolded for an hour.

this time, the grievances that had accumulated for a long time suddenly broke out, and tears welled up in Dong Yuhui's eyes. He wanted to leave the classroom immediately.

as soon as he ran out the door, he saw Yu Minhong's words on the wall, "looking for hope in despair, life will be brilliant." he suddenly felt that he should hold on a little longer.

he held back tears and adjusted his breath. Dong Yuhui turned his head and opened the classroom door and went in to finish the interview.

in the end, only 2 out of 1400 people were given offer, and one of them was Dong Yuhui.

Dong Yuhui once questioned: why do I have to bear so much pressure and suffer so many grievances when I find a job?

in his work, he found that there is a lot of pressure in the work itself, and you will encounter a lot of misunderstandings and grievances.

and the best working state of a person is not to have a glass heart and to stay away from emotional internal friction.

the book "dry method" says:

"Don't have senseless emotions for success. No matter how much you complain, no matter how much you are aggrieved.

the most important thing at present is to do a good job first. this is the mentality that a mature person should have. "

at any time, emotions can't solve the problem, and only by taking action can you do your job to the extreme.

there is a passage in "Capital of a lifetime":

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"at any time, one should not subject all actions to one's own emotions, but should control them in turn."

being an emotionally stable adult with all your energy and problems is a sign of maturity.

when the mood is stable, the work goes well

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were invited to give a speech at the University of Washington, and a student asked:

"how do you get richer than God?"

Bill Gates said:

"I very much agree with Warren that the ability to control emotions determines whether a person can succeed or not."

it is not difficult to find that the more capable people are, the more able they are to put down their temper and stabilize their emotions.

Li Guowei, a senior publicist, has experienced such a thing.

at a marketing event, Li Guowei led a team and took China's top auto media and journalists to participate in the exhibition abroad.

due to flight delays, media staff need to write manuscripts in a very short time after arriving at the destination.

journalists are faced with a language barrier, which makes it difficult to quickly search and report information about the entire industry. Coupled with jet lag, everyone looks embarrassed, and some reporters even cry on the spot after receiving a call from the editor-in-chief.

in the face of such an emergency, Li Guowei did not flash a look of anxiety on his face, but thought quietly for a moment and made four decisions:

evaluate the time available for preparation and writing that day; let all reporters go back to the hotel to have a rest; he visits all the booths alone; he goes to the news center to get the materials of the manuscripts.

three hours later, he summoned all the reporters, combined with his experience in the automobile industry, dictated with materials, and reporters listened while writing.

in this way, the manuscripts were sent back to China on time.

as the old saying goes, "Xin Ning leads to wisdom, and wisdom leads to success."

it was the stable mood that made Li Guowei famous in the first World War and eventually grew into "the first person of public relations in China".

in the work, it has never been plain sailing, and there are many sudden problems.

the key to solving the problem is not how smart you are, but how stable you are.

there is a saying in Cai Gentan: "those who are impetuous and careless accomplish nothing; those who are at peace of mind gather their own happiness."

when you are emotionally stable, your work will go well.

have seen an interesting metaphor:

everyone at work is like a car speeding down the road.

if 80% of your energy is devoted to emotional internal friction and only 20% of your energy is used to move forward, you can't run fast.

but if 100% of your energy is converted into kinetic energy, you will be far away from other cars.

the more successful people are, the better they are at managing emotions.

when you are calm, calm down and face everything in an orderly manner, you will find that most of the problems at work can always be easily solved.

Dickens said: "A sound emotional state of mind is more powerful than a hundred kinds of wisdom."

, let go of emotional shackles, stop unnecessary internal friction, and train yourself to be a better person at work.