The 10 crooked reasons that you must know in your life are very reasonable.
The 10 crooked reasons that you must know in your life are very reasonable.
Whether life is good or bad depends on how you treat it.


there are many crooked theories in life, which are ruthless and incisive, which are very piercing at first, and the details contain profound truth.

humorous humor, let you have some inspiration and understanding, give you guidance and help.

the following 10 sentences make people wake up instantly.


you can't wake up a person pretending to be asleep.

just like you can't feel someone who doesn't love you

you can't motivate a person who pretends to work hard, because you can't get him interested from the bottom of his heart.

A person who doesn't love you is distant from you, no matter how much you give, he doesn't care.

the real change is the inner awakening, and the true love is the connection from the heart.

Don't try to change others, the only thing you can change is yourself; don't go on without a response, what you should do is to love yourself.

Let go of your lukewarm heart, and let the sand flow away if you can't hold it.

Life is limited, please waste your time on something more worthwhile.


you can cry and hate, but you can't be strong.

because there are still a group of people waiting to see your jokes

if you show the pain to others, the wound may be sprinkled with salt to make you look even more pathetic.

Don't be weak, no one will be brave for you if you are not strong; don't throw in the towel, the opponent won't want you to win.

learn to be strong, get up when you fall, and don't wait for others to step on it and pass it.

the more difficult it is, the more you have to grit your teeth and carry it through.

get through it, and your strength will be unstoppable and out of reach.


your so-called unfair fate,

it's just laziness that makes you incompetent

some people complain about bad luck and lament that life is so difficult that they give in to fate before they try.

but refused to admit that the unsatisfactory factor is due to laziness.

too lazy to think, too lazy to do, too lazy to grow.

finally, regret for missing yesterday and sadness for missing today.

in fact, complaining is just an excuse to escape and will only generate negative energy.

instead of complaining about fate, it is better to observe and reflect on yourself.

cause and effect means that your present is paying for your past actions and laying the groundwork for future outcomes.

Destiny favors those who are prepared, and sometimes there is an opportunity to turn around when there is action.


you can't take care of everyone's feelings,

will only make you feel bad

when you gave him your favorite candy, you thought he would be full of joy, but he said he liked sour.

you have tasted all your grievances in order to cater to others.

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you don't have to embarrass yourself, even if the sun doesn't make everyone like it. Some people say it's warm, others say it's dazzling.

so, you don't have to satisfy everyone, just be the most comfortable and favorite yourself.

sometimes, you might as well be selfish and make yourself happy more than anything else.


you think you're good,

it's just that the circle is too small

in the eyes of frogs in the well, the sky is as big as the wellhead; in the eyes of grasshoppers after autumn, there are only three seasons in a year.

the environment limits people's horizons, thinking that what they see is the whole world.

the circle determines people's thinking, in what kind of circle, there is what kind of cognition.

do you know that there are people outside the people and days outside the sky.

take yourself too seriously, you may be nothing in the eyes of others.

never underestimate anyone, maybe he will take you to the top and make you lose.

being modest and keeping a low profile is the real big pattern.


say cruel things to others,

it's better to hit yourself hard

in life, the more empty people are, the more they want to gain the upper hand in momentum, so as to find a sense of existence.

, the more people stay away.

and those who are rich in heart are very approachable and make people feel down-to-earth and sense of security.

even if modest, there is great power.

they never crush others with momentum, but rely on their strength to conquer others.

you can bluff if you don't have the ability. A hundred cruel words are not worth an action.

constantly practice wisdom, improve knowledge, have a strong aura, people will be convinced.


Life is nothing but laughing at others,

make people laugh again

No one's life can be perfect, and no one's life is always calm.

if you don't think about everything, that's what happens when you think about it.

it is impossible for a man to be inconsiderate of other people's ideas, but he does not have to live to show them.

some idle people just want to take other people's jokes and add some spices to their own troubles.

you don't have to take things too seriously. If you can't control other people's mouths, keep your heart.

laugh for a while when you think it's funny, and laugh later if you don't think it's funny.

learn to laugh, and the world is full of laughter.Song.


people do not have enough to eat, there is only one worry;

when people are full, they will have countless troubles

desire is a bottomless pit, which always leaves a vacancy in one's heart.

when you don't have it, you want to have it. When you have it, you want to get more.

many people lose, not because they have less, but because they pursue more; not because they are unhappy, but because they want to be superior to others.

all the hustle and bustle, after all, is asking for trouble.

you know, happiness does not mean that everything is perfect, but to be grateful for what you have and to be able to face life with a smile.

those who do not compare with others, do not argue with themselves, and are content to live the most free and easy life.


No one can give it to whom tomorrow,

you have to go your own way tomorrow

as the saying goes: relying on mountains will fall, relying on gods can run.

everyone has their own responsibilities to shoulder, and no one will be a safe haven for you for the rest of your life.

you can trust others, but don't count on them.

others can accompany you for a ride, but not for the rest of your life; others can help you for a while, but not for a lifetime.

most of the time, the road of life is a single wooden bridge, and it is not as reliable as relying on others.

depend on others, no matter how good you are, you don't have the backbone; on your own, you have the courage to live no matter how bad you are.

only by opening up the road in the mountains and building bridges in the face of water can we smile to meet the dawn of tomorrow.


if you choose to give up, you will gain something.

give up your choice and get nothing

there are many moments in life when it is difficult to choose a single topic, one is to give up, the other is to choose.

giving up what you should give up may be another harvest; if you give up making a choice, you may miss everything.

choosing to give up is a kind of courage to use your time to do the right thing and to release your limited life to its maximum potential.

giving up choice is a kind of cowardice, fear of challenge and failure, and the loss of due rights in vain is to give up yourself.

many people and things in life, miss once, may be missed for a lifetime.

you can choose to give up, but you can never give up your choice.

at the end:

the same bowl of chicken soup, some people smell the smell, some people have the essence.

in the same sentence, some people just smile after reading it, while others understand the philosophy.

whether life is good or bad depends on how you treat it; the truth is exactly crooked, depends on how you understand it.

, if you spend some effort to understand, the mood will become calm and comfortable, life will be more clear and transparent.