Suddenly Guan Xuan! Quietly married for 10 years, the whole network collective blessing: this is the most should marry the "rich"!
Suddenly Guan Xuan! Quietly married for 10 years, the whole network collective blessing: this is the most should marry the "rich"!
With joint efforts and management, the marriage will be stronger and happier.

have to

say, here

in the on-and-off entertainment circle, many netizens can't catch up with the star divorce



this also makes many netizens doubt whether there is "true love" in the entertainment industry.

of course, there are exceptions!

some time ago, Zhu Yawen, who has always kept a low profile, fell in love with his wife Shen Jiani.

it turned out to be September 25, their tenth wedding anniversary.

in Weibo, Zhu Yawen made a high-profile confession: three pains and seven itches, ten years cherish! love you!

then, Shen Jiani also responded sweetly on Weibo: "three pains and seven itches have been loved for ten years."

many netizens are sweet by this low-key couple:

"Congratulations and may the next decade be sweeter!"

"this is the best way to love!"

Yes, the tenth anniversary is long, but in fact, it is only in the blink of an eye, but if we want to love each other like a day for ten years, we must treat each other sincerely.

speaking of Zhu Yawen, we are no stranger, especially the appearance of "ruffian handsome" makes him a lot of fans.

however, in addition to his appearance, Zhu Yawen's acting skills are also excellent!

in "breaking into the East," Zhu Yawen brings to life a Zhu Chuanwu who dares to love, dare to hate and dare to act.

in Red Sorghum, he is Yu Zhanao, a riffraff can not hide his charm, let people see the complete fall.

in "the Voice is there", Zhu Yawen directly sealed the gods with a "baby" with a Su and subwoofer.

Zhu Yawen is a sexy man in terms of voice, figure, appearance and acting skills.

was also ridiculed by netizens as "walking hormone".

however, Zhu Yawen ignored it and said bluntly, "my sexy is only for my wife and career!"

in 2009, Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani got married because of the play.

recalling the first sight of Shen Jiani, Zhu Yawen described it with a doting face: "like a glowing angel."

during the shooting, due to the unsuitable local climate, Zhu Yawen was not accustomed to soil and water and fell ill.

in order not to delay the shooting progress, Zhu Yawen often swallowed several kinds of medicine prescribed by the doctor.

once, Zhu Yawen accidentally spilled the medicine while taking the medicine, and Shen Jiani picked it up for him when she saw the situation.

the next day, Shen Jiani thoughtfully prepared a medicine kit for Zhu Yawen, and all of them were labeled.

Don't forget to tell Zhu Yawen not to take your medicine on time because you are busy.

it was this small move that warmed Zhu Yawen's heart.

since then, Zhu Yawen has approached Shen Jiani on his own initiative, unable to hide his preference for her.

when there is no part in the play, Zhu Yawen does not go to rest, but sits behind the monitor and dotes on watching Shen Jiani perform.

there was a crying scene. Shen Jiani cried so much that she had no image at all, but Zhu Yawen praised: how beautiful!

maybe it's fate, and it's unstoppable.

after filming, the two often discuss scripts and performances together.

Shen Jiani is also deeply attracted by the knowledge and personality charm of the big boy.

in this way, the two fell in love with each other day and night, and when "Love in the boundless Earth" was killed, Shen Jiani sighed:

"the heavy snow witnessed the unfinished ending!"

when you think about it, the story that belongs to them has only just begun.

in 2013, Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani held a low-key wedding.

at the wedding scene, Zhu Yawen confessed affectionately:

"the happiest thing in my life is to know Shen Jiani, and the right thing to do is to marry her. As long as my heart beats for one day, I will love her for one day. "

he not only fulfilled this promise, but also spoiled Shen Jiani to his bones.

for Shen Jiani, Zhu Yawen traveled the streets of Paris, just to find a "special" diamond ring for marriage proposal.

then, during the trip she had been thinking about for a long time, she proposed.

After the explosion, someone asked, "Don't you regret getting married so early at the age of 29?"



this also makes many netizens doubt whether there is "true love" in the entertainment industry.

of course, there are exceptions!

some time ago, Zhu Yawen, who has always kept a low profile, fell in love with his wife Shen Jiani.

it turned out to be September 25, their tenth wedding anniversary.

in Weibo, Zhu Yawen made a high-profile confession: three pains and seven itches, ten years cherish! love you!

then, Shen Jiani also responded sweetly on Weibo: "three pains and seven itches have been loved for ten years."

many netizens are sweet by this low-key couple:

"Congratulations and may the next decade be sweeter!"

"this is the best way to love!"

Yes, the tenth anniversary is long, but in fact, it is only in the blink of an eye, but if we want to love each other like a day for ten years, we must treat each other sincerely.

speaking of Zhu Yawen, we are no stranger, especially the appearance of "ruffian handsome" makes him a lot of fans.

however, in addition to his appearance, Zhu Yawen's acting skills are also excellent!

in "breaking into the East," Zhu Yawen brings to life a Zhu Chuanwu who dares to love, dare to hate and dare to act.

in Red Sorghum, he is Yu Zhanao, a riffraff can not hide his charm, let people see the complete fall.

in "the Voice is there", Zhu Yawen directly sealed the gods with a "baby" with a Su and subwoofer.

Zhu Yawen is a sexy man in terms of voice, figure, appearance and acting skills.

was also ridiculed by netizens as "walking hormone".

however, Zhu Yawen ignored it and said bluntly, "my sexy is only for my wife and career!"

in 2009, Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani got married because of the play.

recalling the first sight of Shen Jiani, Zhu Yawen described it with a doting face: "like a glowing angel."

during the shooting, due to the unsuitable local climate, Zhu Yawen was not accustomed to soil and water and fell ill.

in order not to delay the shooting progress, Zhu Yawen often swallowed several kinds of medicine prescribed by the doctor.

once, Zhu Yawen accidentally spilled the medicine while taking the medicine, and Shen Jiani picked it up for him when she saw the situation.

the next day, Shen Jiani thoughtfully prepared a medicine kit for Zhu Yawen, and all of them were labeled.

Don't forget to tell Zhu Yawen not to take your medicine on time because you are busy.

it was this small move that warmed Zhu Yawen's heart.

since then, Zhu Yawen has approached Shen Jiani on his own initiative, unable to hide his preference for her.

when there is no part in the play, Zhu Yawen does not go to rest, but sits behind the monitor and dotes on watching Shen Jiani perform.

there was a crying scene. Shen Jiani cried so much that she had no image at all, but Zhu Yawen praised: how beautiful!

maybe it's fate, and it's unstoppable.

after filming, the two often discuss scripts and performances together.

Shen Jiani is also deeply attracted by the knowledge and personality charm of the big boy.

in this way, the two fell in love with each other day and night, and when "Love in the boundless Earth" was killed, Shen Jiani sighed:

"the heavy snow witnessed the unfinished ending!"

when you think about it, the story that belongs to them has only just begun.

in 2013, Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani held a low-key wedding.

at the wedding scene, Zhu Yawen confessed affectionately:

"the happiest thing in my life is to know Shen Jiani, and the right thing to do is to marry her. As long as my heart beats for one day, I will love her for one day. "

he not only fulfilled this promise, but also spoiled Shen Jiani to his bones.

for Shen Jiani, Zhu Yawen traveled the streets of Paris, just to find a "special" diamond ring for marriage proposal.

then, during the trip she had been thinking about for a long time, she proposed.

Zhu Yawen said earnestly: "regret, I regret marrying my wife late!"

not only that, Zhu Yawen also gave Shen Jiani enough sense of security.

in the variety show, there is a punishment part of the game, which requires Zhu Yawen to hold Wu Xin in the form of a princess.

after listening to the proposal, Zhu Yawen immediately refused.

one side, he Jing joked, "do you think Wu Xin is fat?"

Zhu Yawen smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm married."

at the scene of the "immersive" program, the host proposed to choose a female partner and let Zhu Yawen make a wedding vow.

after listening to this, Zhu Yawen directly refused: "No, choose Haitao, I am also safe."

in Zhu Yawen's mind, maintaining a sense of boundaries for the opposite sex is the greatest respect for Shen Jiani.

before each film, he would show Shen Jiani the script first. If she felt uncomfortable, he would not act the best script.

because in his heart, Shen Jiani is the most important one!

some people say: "A good marriage should be a two-way trip and a game with a positive response."

Zhu Yawen is rightShen Jiani dotes on her, and Shen Jiani is willing to fade out of the entertainment circle and become the woman behind him, supporting him.

she once said to Zhu Yawen:

"although you run furiously, I will quietly watch your running posture. I will always pay attention to you, but I will not affect the direction of your running." One day when you are really tired, you stop. "

she never grudges her praise of Zhu Yawen. Zhu Yawen pays every bit for this family to her heart.

and Zhu Yawen's best feedback to Shen Jiani is unreserved trust, even handing over economic power before marriage!

in Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani, Uncle saw the best appearance of a marriage!

respect each other, take care of each other, nourish each other and grow together!

different from the tough guy image created in front of the screen, Zhu Yawen in life is not only a spoiled wife, but also a proper daughter slave!

in 2014, Shen Jiani, who was still on the rise in her career, was pregnant, and when she didn't know what to do, she called and asked Zhu Yawen:

"I'm pregnant, but I don't know if I want it or not."

when Zhu Yawen heard this, his face was sincere: "be born, I will be a good father!"

Shen Jiani was silent for a while and then agreed, and then she declined all her jobs and relieved to raise the fetus at home.

after his daughter was born, Zhu Yawen became a "walking daughter slave." he shared all the details of his daughter's growth on Weibo.

take my daughter to the playground to play the merry-go-round.

when I sleep, I accompany my daughter to say some childish words, and the picture is especially warm.

for the sake of his daughter, Zhu Yawen insisted on quitting smoking:

"as a father, you can't kiss your daughter with a mouth that has just smoked. Otherwise, a picture will flash in your mind that you are hurting her. "

not only that, but in order to miss the growth of his daughter, Zhu Yawen has a rule:

you can get a lower salary, but you must take your wife and children with you.

therefore, every time Zhu Yawen makes a movie, it is like moving home.

there is a saying circulating in the entertainment circle: "Zhu Yawen has three treasures on Weibo: wife, daughter and work."

is a joke, but it is true!

in 2018, Zhu Yawen and Shen Jiani welcomed their second daughter.

"your boss! I'm four! " One sentence shows the status of the family at a glance.

the birth of the youngest daughter made Zhu Yawen more aware of his responsibility as a father.

in order to accompany and witness the growth of his daughters, he began to reduce his work on purpose.

"Family is so important, no matter how glamorous the filming life is. Being a good husband in Shen Jiani's heart and a good father to her children is more important than being a good actor. "

You will look absolutely stunning in our short vintage wedding dresses whatever the occasion. This is the part for the unique, as you.

because he knows that although he likes acting very much, his family always comes first than his career.

I quite agree with what Zhu Yawen once said:

"outside the door is work, and inside the door is home, which can't be destroyed anyway."

door, he is almost a model among men, with a sense of responsibility and infinite love for his wife and daughter.

he did it, and it's getting better and better!

in running Bar, Zhu Yawen generously expressed her love to Shen Jiani in front of everyone:

"if life comes again, I would like to take another ride with her."

how rare it is to meet the right person at the right time on the long road of life.

now, they have been in love for many years, from a sweet world of two to a happy family of four. They have been telling us in action that a truly happy marriage can only take root if it grows upward.

even though we have made compromises with each other, we still go further and further on the road of happiness in the end.

Xi Murong once said such a paragraph:

"A real marriage must be two like-minded people with the same values, the same attitude towards life, similar life pursuits, and common beliefs."

it is true!

Marriage is not easy, not only to withstand the insipid firewood, rice, oil and salt, but also to withstand the test of time.

with joint efforts and management, the marriage will be stronger and happier.

, may you and the right person join hands for the rest of your life, stay with each other, and spend your trivial time happily in the fireworks.