Song Dandan, 62, was scolded for being a hot search, and the real relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was exposed: originally, we were all deceived.
Song Dandan, 62, was scolded for being a hot search, and the real relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was exposed: originally, we were all deceived.
May every mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along well with each other!

recently, the relationship between Song Dandan and his daughter-in-law Bogu in the variety show "Men doing housework 4" has aroused heated discussion among many netizens!

at the dinner table, Bogu talked about having no milk after giving birth, and his mother always urged: what's the matter, there's no milk yet?

this makes Bogu, who already blames himself, very hurt.

as a mother-in-law, instead of blaming, Song Dandan said, "

"it's all right, no, let's stop feeding, it doesn't matter if we grow up on milk powder!"

A simple sentence, but it has been remembered in Bogu's heart for a long time and has always been very grateful.

Song Dandan was also very sad after hearing this, because Bogu and his son Gbatu had a greater sense of responsibility when he became a father.

this made Bogu flattered and moved.

Song Dandan also said frankly: "all these young people scold me for being too strong!"

Bogu warms the heart and comforts: "strength is not necessarily a weakness, Mom, how does this family work if you are not strong?"

Song Dandan was delighted to hear his daughter-in-law's praise.

No wonder, after watching this scene, many netizens said: this is the right way to open the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

in the disharmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law,

has a husband who pretends to be stupid

once heard such a sentence:

"Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are originally a by-product of marriage, and there is only a relationship of interest between them, not a direct relationship."

indeed, the husband is the most crucial link in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. If you drop the line at the critical moment, the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will become more and more serious.

in the TV series "come on!" That's what happened in Mom.

he Xiaohan, played by Dong Jie, has no status in the family because her husband's inaction is bullied by her mother-in-law everywhere.

at the dinner table, her mother-in-law said in front of her children that he Xiaohan had low academic qualifications and no job, so she had to improve herself.

see the contradiction is imminent, while the husband silently put on headphones to watch the ball, regardless of his wife.

because the first-born daughter and mother-in-law prefer boys over daughters, the child suffers from gender cognitive impairment.

the anxious he Xiaohan hoped that her husband could come forward to talk to his mother-in-law, but he always thought it was a small matter, so it passed vaguely, and finally the war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law happened.

not only that, her mother-in-law secretly tampered with him Xiaohan to get pregnant and have a second child, forcing her to eat folic acid.

my husband not only didn't stop it, but also said to he Xiaohan, "you just have to deal with it once in a while in front of my mother!"

lying in the hospital bed, he Xiaohan was aggrieved and angry at her husband:

"the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the world is all because of an inactive husband like you."

what he Xiaohan said aroused the inner resonance of many girls.

Yes, whether a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can get along well with each other depends on the husband's attitude.

if, as in the play, he is indifferent to his wife's help and submissive to his mother's strength.

does not fulfill the responsibility of a husband, nor does he have the position that a son should have.

in the end, it will only end up offending both sides, and the family will fall apart.

in fact, the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often starts with some small misunderstandings and small frictions, accumulates slowly, and eventually turns into a big contradiction.

behind these innumerable contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there is a man who stands idly by.

when you get along with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, you must be clear about it

A few days ago, a video of my wife enjoying gold bars went viral.

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in the video, the woman holds up two gold bars, scrubbing and smelling, showing a financial obsession.

but this is not simply "showing off wealth", but from the love of my mother-in-law.

the woman in the video is about to give birth, and her mother-in-law is too busy to take care of Yuezi, so she prepared two 1000-gram gold bars for her daughter-in-law.

the daughter-in-law, who received the gold bar, smiled happily from ear to ear and said bluntly, "my mother-in-law is too bright!"

the husband also explained: "Little, my mother can't take care of you. Are you angry that she can't come and take care of you?"

the woman said happily, "Don't be angry!" There's nothing to be angry about! "

when she is happy, the woman still reminds her husband that

"if you go to Mom's place more often when you have time, Mom won't be too bored alone!"

when the husband heard this, he thought his wife was not satisfied, so he hurriedly said, "I don't have any more at my mother's side!"

the woman said, "I'm not asking you to get the gold bar, but I really want you to spend more time with her!"

after watching this scene, netizens are sour.

one of the netizens said to the heart: "A good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is to keep a distance, there is really no need to be mother and daughter."

Mother-in-law is not a mother, and daughter-in-law is not a daughter.

in real life, the root cause of all the contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the failure to recognize the nature of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

whether they are mother-in-law or daughter-in-law, they have no obligation to give 100% to each other.

the mother-in-law helps is kind, does not help is the duty, the daughter-in-law is contented, knows how to be grateful, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will get along harmoniously.

Tu Lei once said:

"treat yourself asLove, treat each other with respect, and have a good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are indispensable. "

A good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must also be clear, do not have excessive expectations of mother-in-law, do not have excessive requirements of daughter-in-law.

in this way, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can get along without any burden.

the best mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship is "mutual acceptance"

if you want to get along well with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, you must know how to compare your heart to heart.

not only should the wife understand and respect, but the mother-in-law should also understand the sense of size and tolerance.

program "Mother-in-Law and Mom".

the mother-in-law said with a spoiled face, "come on, Mom will go home and make dumplings for you."

when I got home, my mother-in-law kept preparing to make dumplings for fear of starving Cheng Lisa.

sitting aside, Cheng Lisa said with a coquettish face:

"Mom, I don't want to eat green onions!"

"Don't use onions, Mom remembers your taste," replied the mother-in-law with a spoiled face.

while eating, Cheng Lisa looked at the chopsticks handed to her by her mother-in-law and said with surprise:

"take a good look at these chopsticks. They are so beautiful, Mom."

my mother-in-law said, "Yes, I bought it for you alone."

Cheng Lisa was very moved and praised the delicious dumplings while eating.

not only that, when Cheng Lisa quarreled with Guo Xiaodong, her mother-in-law always mercilessly protected her daughter-in-law.

Guo Xiaodong was scolded by his mother as soon as he ate the cake with spring onions:

"if she doesn't like it, don't bring it over."

seeing the interaction between Cheng Lisa and her mother-in-law reminds me of a sentence:

"in this world, there is never a naturally perfect mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. All relationships need to be managed with heart."

she has always kept her mother-in-law's intentions towards Cheng Lisa in her heart.

in the program, Cheng Lisa talked with several guests about her feelings for her mother-in-law. She said:

"No matter what argument my husband and I have, my mother-in-law is unreasonable, and then directly say that Cheng Lisa is right.

if it hadn't been for my mother-in-law, my marriage wouldn't have come to this. "

it was her mother-in-law's "unreasonable" maintenance that moved Cheng Lisa very much.

if it's not enough to be an enlightened mother-in-law, you also need a sensible daughter-in-law.

only in this way, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can get along better, family and marriage will be more warm!

I like a passage that Meng Fei said very much:

"two points should be maintained in dealing with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: the first is that elders should know how to keep a distance, and the second is that younger generations should always be polite."

the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has never been irreconcilable, let alone a scourge.

if you want to get along well, you must change your heart and treat each other with sincerity and kindness.

at the same time, maintain a sense of size, do not cross the line, and give each other more understanding and respect!

, may every mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along well, and may every family be warm and loving!

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