Seventeen years ago, the situation of the "out-of-date Super Girl" who made him cry was exposed: the small house of 5 years old was envied by 5 million people.
Seventeen years ago, the situation of the "out-of-date Super Girl" who made him cry was exposed: the small house of 5 years old was envied by 5 million people.
Although there was less stage and applause, she found the life she wanted most.

travel around the world


A lot of people should have such a wish:

there is a mobile home, you can go wherever you want, unrestrained.

if you are tired, just take a nap in the bedroom.

when you are hungry, go to the kitchen and cook a warm meal.

stop at any time when you are tired.

at night, there are movies outside, watching the bright stars all over the sky.

in the morning, get up and chase the first ray of sunshine.

this unrealistic-sounding dream has now come true.

she is Huang Yali.

the weirdest person in the entertainment industry

to be honest, Huang Yali is really a "strange" existence in the entertainment industry.

Don't fight, don't rob, just be happy.

in order to realize her concert dream, she can use all her savings to transform the truck and create a stage for herself.

she says she has to do it if she likes it, and she has a super ability to act.

she likes a lot of things, such as food, skiing, camping.

and start renovating your own house.

some time ago, "envy Huang Yali's life" was a hot search, because millions of people were shocked by her strong hands-on ability.

but as she said, the house is rented, not the day.

so she spent 50 days decorating the dilapidated house into her favorite look.

and the whole process is hands-on, which makes people sigh.

No wonder Wang ou was too surprised to speak when she first came to her house.

Huang Yali gave her house a nice name "Yamada Xin".

because his nickname is "cub", as soon as he is torn down, he becomes Yamada Xin.

Mountain, is a friend and relative, is her backer, the field, is a vegetable, is a grain, is a worry-free day, heart, is a heart that loves life.

this is reminiscent of the ideal life Zheng Banqiao once mentioned:

"my lifelong wish is to build an earthen-walled courtyard with many bamboo trees and flowers planted in the door. before dawn, there is a red glow in the East China Sea, and the setting sun is full of trees. In the high place of the courtyard, you can see the smoke level bridge."

Huang Yali really turned life into a poem.

"Walking House"

however, there is still a distance to match the poem, which is what Huang Yali has been looking for.

part of Huang Yali's MV "just Sauce" was filmed in New Zealand in 2018.

she drives an RV down the roads of New Zealand, then buys her own ingredients, cooks, eats delicious food and enjoys the scenery along the way.

it is also because of this experience in New Zealand that she fell in love with the RV and freedom.

so she built her own "walking house", went to different cities to exchange gifts with hikers, and stopped as she walked.

the car is only 5 square.

but Huang Yali stuffed the whole house in.

netizens joked that it was very much like a "coffin room". is your destination if you are looking for a great shopping experience and a fantastic choice of affordable lace back wedding dress. This section solves your searching troubles instantly.

but the coffin room is filled with reality, and her car is filled with dreams.

when I first got the car, it was mediocre, just like the earliest "Yamada heart," so Huang Yali simply moved the car empty and rebuilt it.

"I have made up my mind countless times, chasing stars in my own small house. When it is cold, I can get into the car wrapped in a quilt and have a cup of hot cocoa."

because I want to drive it all over the country, so keep warm and air-conditioned. All these functions should be possessed.

and she also likes to cook, so windows, exhaust fans. All these should be taken into account.

in order not to waste every inch of space, Huang Yali drew one design drawing after another.

later, when the structure of the RV was almost finished, she began to worry again.

because I am not tall, it is difficult to find furniture that fits me perfectly on the market.

as a result, Huang Yali began to design furniture again, and the design concept is very simple, that is: to show the advantages of small people in all directions.

in this way, the space of 5 square meters was divided into "three rooms and one living room" by her.

anyone else would have been persuaded to quit when they saw the quantity of the project.

but Huang Yali enjoyed it.

she not only designed the furniture, but also made almost all the furniture herself.

Yes, she made almost all the furniture in the RV.

however, this is not surprising.

the transformed "Yamada Heart" is the best proof.

she once turned waste into treasure and spelled out Van Gogh's "starry sky" with bottle caps and straws.

the maps of self-driving tours are all sewn with cowhide.

so, everyone is curious, what will this RV look like in the end?

she named the RV CASA TO GO.

CASA means "home" in Spanish, a house that can move, a home that can be moved.

"if concretely speaking, it is a house, it is a walking on the road.The car, it is a specific.

but what wraps these firmly is the process of creating and managing them, and the people who co-create and manage them.

I now live in a small house and car with the other half.

We are each other's sense of security, but we are independent.

I am very happy and proud. We now have a steady state like this. At the moment, I think it is a very warm and comfortable state. "

this small home has a bedroom.

there are warm blankets on the big bed, very "ethnic style" pillows and warm yellow lights, which make the place warm.

closing the car door is your own private space.

if you open the car door, you can directly connect with nature, see the scenery outside, and take a big breath of the freshest air.

this is not only a restaurant for two, but also a studio where you can reply to your email at work.

there is also a large workbench, where Huang Yali usually makes some small gifts to exchange with the hikers on the road.

because the car space is limited, every place should make the best use of it.

including car doors.

Huang Yali installed a lever on the car door, so that some miscellaneous things have a place to store.

come out to play, the atmosphere is the most important.

so she also prepared a hanging curtain!

imagine how comfortable it is to snuggle up with friends or loved ones at night, drink wine and watch a romantic movie in front of the sunset.

as she loves to cook, of course there should be a kitchen in the car.

although the space is small, but refrigerator, oven, biscuit table, cutlery, seasoning bottle. All have their place.

whenever you are tired, make a cup of coffee to wash away the tiredness.

during the break, bake a cake.

when it's cold, let's have a small hot pot together.

this kind of life should be something that many people yearn for.

after the RV was finished at that time, some people questioned:

is it for show?

because now there are many stars who like to set up their own people.

other people don't know, but Huang Yali won't.

because she has already driven her car, she has left footprints in many parts of the country.

drive to and from Beijing, Changsha, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway.

after an one-day stop in Zhengzhou for Children's Day, friends in Zhengzhou certainly didn't come across us crossing Zhongzhou Avenue to have Huli soup.