Seven years ago, did the Beijing man who married Thailand's "most beautiful shemale" regret it now?
Seven years ago, did the Beijing man who married Thailand's "most beautiful shemale" regret it now?
In this increasingly tolerant world, may the two of them love each other forever.

they got married?

in July 2020, a group of wedding photos caused an uproar on the Internet.

in the photo, the bridegroom is handsome and imposing;

the bride's posture is wonderful and beautiful, like a fairy walking from a painting.

Why do ordinary wedding photos attract different opinions for a while?

because the status of the newlyweds is different.

Yes, they are Bao Xi, a Chinese boy, and Nisha, the most beautiful woman in Thailand. after seven years of love, have they really achieved good results?

Bao Xi is an out-and-out Beijing man.

the young man earns a lot of money and has a lot of talent, and he soon welcomes the favor of the girl.

lovely feelings are both sweet and bitter, and his relationship with a girl ended in the spring of 2014.

after being lovelorn, Bao Xi made a special trip to Pattaya, Thailand, where the continuous sandy beaches and clear water soothed his depressed mood.

seeing a huge poster of Thailand's annual "Miss Tiffany beauty pageant" along the way, Bao Xi bought the tickets with a trace of curiosity.

that night, neon lights decorated the whole city like a dream, and Bao Xi sat down alone after entering the arena.

in the screams at the scene, dozens of transgender "beauties" shone brilliantly on the stage, trying to bloom their own brilliance.

this made Bao Xi, who had always been steady, feel out of place. just as he got up to leave, a face attracted him.

her name is Nisha. At the age of 22, she has a slim waist and clear eyes. All night, Bao Xi's eyes followed this beauty and did not want to wander for a moment.

what is even more exciting is that after hours of fierce competition, Nisha won the crown and became the new shemale queen by virtue of her angel face and devil-like figure.

the whole audience is boiling. You know, Nisha has become a household name in Thailand overnight, and a bright road of life is paving for her.

when Nisha put on the crown, tears welled up, which made Bao Xi feel sorry for her.

when the beauties stepped off the stage to interact with the audience, Bao Xi plucked up his courage and tried to talk to Nisha with translation software.

Bao Xi couldn't sleep when he returned to the hotel.

and Nisha, who has just won the championship, would never have thought that the Chinese man named Bao Xi would completely change the course of his life.

the next evening, Bao Xi and Nisha came to the restaurant as promised. Although they didn't understand each other, they talked to each other happily with the help of translation software.

Bao Xi told Nisha that he only had a ten-day holiday and hoped to ask Nisha to be a tour guide to accompany him everywhere.

Nisha felt that Bao Xi was mature and stable, like a responsible big brother, so she gladly agreed.

so in the next few days, Nisha and Bao Xi toured all the tourist attractions of Pattaya.

Nisha's simplicity and kindness made Bao Xi very relaxed, and they soon became good friends who talked about everything.

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only then did Bao Xi know that although transgender people are blooming in Thailand, they will be treated differently by others more or less.

behind every shemale, there is an unknown history of suffering, and Nisha is no exception.

Nisha was born in 1992 into an ordinary family in Thailand. She is the second in the family, with a brother and a sister.

when Nisha was still in her mother's belly, the parents hoped that God would give them a girl.

I didn't expect that Nisha was born a boy, but they still gave Nisha a girl's name "Noy" because she was eager to love a girl.

maybe because her parents put too much expectation into her, Nisha has been different from her peers since she was a child.

"she" doesn't like to play outside, but prefers to stay at home and play house with her sister.

after puberty, Nisha pays more attention to her appearance. "she" doesn't want to be handsome, but wants to be beautiful.

one day, Nisha happened to see Poyd, a model in a magazine.

"she" successfully changed her gender at the age of 17 and won the "Miss Tiffany beauty pageant" and was praised as the most beautiful "shemale" in Thailand.

this is the first time Nisha has learned about transgender people, and "she" has also found the direction of the future.

"she" hopes to become famous through a beauty pageant and become the most beautiful and dazzling girl like idol Baoer.

Nisha's own skin is very fair, so "she" learns makeup skills online to make up for her facial features.

however, the masculine body cannot be covered up by heavy makeup at all. Nisha wants to be a woman once and for all.

"she" told her parents what she thought, and her mother was shocked and said:

"We do raise you as a girl from an early age, but you don't really have to be a woman. You have a happy life."

Nisha shook her head and replied:

"I want to be a woman from the bottom of my heart, not because of anyone."

"she" means that she can suffer anything as long as she can make herself beautiful.

hearing his son pour out his true thoughts for the first time, the father, who had been silent for a long time, finally said:

"Don't worry about being who you really are. Your family will always be your strongest backing."

Nisha could not hold back her tears and threw herself into her father's arms, thanking her family for their courage and support.

since then, Nisha began to take hormone drugs. "her" skin is getting smoother, her waist is getting slimmer, and she has a feminine charm between her eyebrows and eyes.

but if you want to really be a woman, you have to have surgery, which is the only way.

Thailand can have sex reassignment surgery, but it needs to reach the required age:

20 years old, and need to undergo many operations, step by step to change the physical characteristics.

the cost of such a troublesome operation is not a small sum.

Nisha's parents are ordinary people, and the cost of the operation is a big expense.

Nisha, who is less than 20 years old, decided to save her own money for surgery so as not to put a burden on her family. "she" found a part-time job in a restaurant and worked very hard until 12:00 at night.

Konisha is smiling, because no matter how many difficulties and obstacles she has on the way to realizing her dream, she is like a small stepping stone.

in 2012, Nisha underwent breast augmentation surgery and has been undergoing body modifications since then.

A reporter asked Nisha how she felt about having a sex change operation, and she replied with a smile:

"it hurts, but it's worth it."

only by enduring the pain of becoming a butterfly can you bear the beauty of flapping your wings and flying high.

Nisha did it, not only successfully catching up with her idol Baoer, but also telling the world about her beauty.

but also because of participating in the beauty pageant, started another wonderful journey of life.

several days together, let Bao Xi more truly understand the Nisha in front of her, this girl's beautiful face is not commensurate with the age of tenacity and persistence.

Bao Xi was moved by it and became even more impulsive to protect her.

Bao Xi found himself in love with Nisha, but he shook himself up hard. Nisha was transgender after all.

after calming down, he tried to clear his mind, but Nisha's smiling face lingered in his heart like a brand.

the Cupid of love is so magical that once two hearts are tightly connected, they never make any sense.

while he was struggling, he suddenly received a call from his unit, and he had to rush back to China to deal with his work.

Bao Xi hastened to choose a gift for Nisha.

in the restaurant where they first met, Bao Xi, dressed in a straight suit and holding roses in his hand, knelt down on one knee and finally said to Nisha, "would you like to be my girlfriend?"

although the careful Nisha had seen Bao Xi's intentions in a short period of time, she dared not take it seriously.

because there is no shortage of suitors around her, most of them are not sincere, and she seems to be used to playing games with Pianpian's brother.

but at that moment, Nisha was moved by Bao Xi's sincerity and nodded again and again.

Bao Xi was so excited that a thin layer of sweat oozed from his forehead.

the next day, the two were inseparable at Pattaya airport. Bao Xi put his arms around his lover's shoulders and said to Nisha affectionately:

"wait for me to come back!"

Bao Xi, who returned to Beijing, sent good morning greetings to Nisha every day. Whenever he was free, he could not help but video chat with Nisha, amuse her, and take some delicious photos for her, and Nisha would respond enthusiastically.

one came and went, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up.

in 2015, Bao Xi invited Nisha to China, he took Nisha to play all over the world, but until Nisha's visa was about to expire, he was afraid to bring his girlfriend home.

streamers are easy to throw people away, and half a year passes in a hurry.

the longer the separation, the more intense Bao Xi's yearning for Nisha.

Bao Xi doesn't want to wait any longer. he thinks he won't marry Nisha in this life.

so he invited Nisha again, and this time he plucked up the courage to bring Nisha home.

unexpectedly, the enlightened parents saw that the two people were so glued to each other that they did not object.

the beautiful and generous Nisha soon won the favor of her parents, and Mama Bao took the initiative to cook and wash clothes for her daughter-in-law.

before long, Nisha's visa expired again, and she had to return to Thailand.

but Nisha's appearance, in the hearts of relatives and friends, seems to have dropped a blockbuster bomb, causing a lot of people to criticize.

some people say that Bao Xi is purely for a moment of freshness, while some people say that if a "shemale" is married home, relatives will no longer have to hang out with each other.

Bao Xi was unmoved.

but is love really worth the secular vision and the distance?

in 2016, Bao Xi made a major decision.

he resolutely resigned from the "iron rice bowl" in Beijing and came to Thailand with large bags of luggage.

he wants to be with Nisha forever in Thailand.

Bao Xi invited the best local studio and took a group of beautiful wedding photos for the two.

even if they can't get a marriage license because of Nisha's transgender identity, how can they care if they have legal effect if they love each other?

with the help of Nisha, Bao Xi took out his savings for many years and opened it in Thailand.A Chinese restaurant.

as a result of careful management, business quickly boomed, and Bao Xi made a lot of money.

in order to give Nisha a better life, he spent 5 million on Pattaya to buy a villa with decorations that fully meet the preferences of Princess Nisha.

Nisha likes dolls, so Bao Xi picked up a large number of dolls from all over the world to fill a room.

Nisha studied fashion design in college, and Bao Xi also spent a lot of money on a sewing machine, so that Nisha could satisfy her little hobbies anytime and anywhere, and design all kinds of dresses for dolls.

there are photos of Nisha's life in the room and hallway, as well as intimate photos of the two of them at different times.

Nisha, who is considerate and sensible, often makes all kinds of delicacies for Bao Xi.

like a normal couple, they occasionally get a little uncomfortable, but Bao Xi always deals with it calmly and is tolerant enough to Nisha.

every detail of life spills their little days with honey.

however, the sailboat of marriage is bound to experience waves.

in 2020, because there were no tourists, Bao Xi's restaurant business was seriously affected and soon closed.

in the face of sudden changes, Bao Xi fell into a negative and discouraged state.

Nisha never gives up on Bao, encouraging him to get out of the shadow and become an online blogger.

in order to let fans get to know them up close and get to know them, Bao Xi posted his wedding photos online, which led to the scene at the beginning of the article.

for a while, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and they received a wave of sincere blessings, but also received a lot of criticism.

some people say that Bao Xi's big move to let Nisha appear on camera in order to earn traffic is hype, which is definitely not true.

some people say: yes! The picture is just something new for the moment.

what's more, he said: how could Bao Xi marry Nisha? Unless he's willing to lose his children.

in the face of overwhelming doubts, Bao Xi did not speak out, but spent every day together sparkling.

the most sincere love in the world is the deep flow of still water.

when interviewed by the media and asked about the secrets of their long-lasting relationship, Bao Xi said without hesitation:

"We started out because of love, and slowly became a kind of affection."

"but at any time, the two of us are always working towards the same goal!"

for so many years, Nisha always felt indebted to Bao Xi because she was unable to have children. when she mentioned giving birth to her own sister, she was opposed by Bao Xi.

because in Bao Xi's view, real marriage is not to please others, let alone to carry on the family line, but two souls hugging each other tightly and going in both directions.

it is enough to have a true love in life!

along the way, the love between Bao Xi and Nisha has met many worldly eyes and shattered many gossip.

finally bloom the happiness that only belongs to you to the whole world.

the sea of life, those who can cross nationality, ignore age, bravely break through secular barriers and can resist a lot of doubt, is really commendable!

in this increasingly tolerant world, may the two of them love each other forever.