People are middle-aged and have no friends.
People are middle-aged and have no friends.
​, may you and I focus on our hearts and enrich ourselves for the rest of my life.


when I was young, I often heard a saying: "many friends, many ways."

with hope, we are looking for like-minded people who come together by fate, hoping to add some motivation to the way forward.

but as we get older, we find that not everyone is sincere about it, and very few people can contribute generously to problems.

it is common that things are changeable and human feelings are cold and cold.

in fact, there is no need to bother too much.

listen to the Wind Yin: "if you don't have any friends, congratulations, it proves that you are mature."

truly mature people have already bid farewell to the impetuous circle and go to live a free and easy life.

people are middle-aged and have fewer and fewer friends, so I just want to say congratulations. Because of the following three points, a new movement in your life is slowly opening.

do not follow blindly, actively reduce low-quality social interaction

Zeng Guofan said: "success or failure in life depends on whether a friend is good or not, so you must be careful."

choose the good and choose the gentleman to make friends in order to be stable and far away.

cousin used to be a very sociable person, there is almost no circle that he can't play with.

after graduation, he successfully started a business and was in the limelight. For a time, he was a little famous in the industry, and often people took the initiative to make friends with him.

every time he wants to go out to play or drink, as long as a message, he can always find a lot of people to accompany him.

later, the company's business was hit so hard that several partners left, leaving a huge debt.

he wanted to prepare a sum of money to make a comeback, but he found that the brothers who usually pushed the cup were hiding farther than anyone else and running faster than anyone else.

it was only at that moment that he was fully awake, and when he was in full bloom, he was surrounded by friends, and when he hit rock bottom, everyone avoided it.

Yes, how many people think that a true relationship is actually a mutually beneficial transaction, and there are very few friends who can really share weal and woe together.

when I was young, I made friends and thought that all over the world were brothers, and everyone was sincere to me.

the more people you can meet and the more things you experience, the more you will understand:

Life is so busy that I really don't have the energy to cope with the messy circle. I just want to live a comfortable life and witness my glory.

instead of following other people's map, it is better to be true to your heart and enjoy your own happiness.

when people reach a certain age, they don't have to invite everyone into their lives.

Friends with different values do not have to make deep acquaintances, and relationships that are not worth it do not have to be forcibly maintained. People with false feelings are better off as soon as possible.

arsenic sharpening is not necessary. One is better than ten thousand sleepless. it is not necessary to make many friends, but it is important to make friends.

when people reach middle age and have no friends, they actually have a higher threshold. They know how to screen their own circle of friends and reject those low-quality social contacts.

be thankless, spend more time with your family

Zhihu has a question: "what is the happiest thing in the world?"


there are all kinds of answers, but all of them can't do without a "home



"the descendants are prosperous and the families are prosperous."

"there are family and friends who love deeply and grievances to tell."

"when I come home from work every day, I find my wife busy in the kitchen with steaming food on the table."


when we were young, who was not high-spirited, but in middle age, we all gradually gathered our edge and began to be infatuated with the world of fireworks and fireworks, and wanted to melt into the daily trivialities of the family.

for a while, a video went viral on Douyin.

in the video, a husband says:

I thank my wife very much.

she never ate a grain of rice in my family before she married me.

after marrying me, I risked my life to have children and take care of my family.

when I come home from work every day, I see that my house is clean and there is delicious food on the table, so I feel really happy.

No matter how kind I am to her, I can't compare with what she has done for me.

he does not take his wife's hard work for granted. On the contrary, he affirms his wife's efforts and is willing to take the initiative to share.

but in reality, in the eyes of many men, they are the ones who pay the most for this family. Their wives only stay at home to take care of their children and cook, and they don't make money and often have to live on their living expenses.

We are polite to outsiders, but not nice to our families.

Get ready to shop the perfect homecoming court dresses long for your wardrobe? Take your picks and enjoy big 70% discount! Make your choice and be thrilled with a big 70% discount!

make great efforts to please others, to pursue fame, status, and wealth outside the circle, but lose something more important.

slowly to a certain age, people recognize the reality and cruelty of life, home is a person's spiritual harbor.

when you feel tired, this is a warm place to settle down. You can put down all your precautions and baggage and be yourself as much as you can. You don't have to worry about what you said wrong or what you didn't do well.

if you want to understand this, you are no longer keen on meat and wine parties, but spend more time running a family, talking about their past with your parents, preparing a romantic date for your wife, and playing football with your children.

when people reach middle age, they no longer seek happiness. Instead of pleasing others, they should spend more time with their families.

the family members sit idle, the lights can be relied on, the hot tea is made slowly, and the years are quiet, which is the highest wealth in one's life.

is not strong, save time for yourself./p>

the feeling of loneliness in life is like a hidden but sharp thorn that stings when you are not careful.

therefore, we make as many friends as possible, hoping that the warmth of friendship can bring a calming effect to counter the unbearability of the world.

hide your inner self, give up your real preferences and ideas, and try to fit into the circle, but what's the result?

We found that pretending to be gregarious was really tiring and not good.

as the saying goes, "if the circles are different, there is no need for forced integration."

the circle of strong integration seems to be harmonious, but in fact it is surging in private.

some people show off, some people are sought after, some people are born with gold spoons, some people struggle half their lives to live in the basement, forced to squeeze together, but also for the sake of the so-called fame and wealth.

now that you have passed the age of going with the wind and waves, it is more important to make time for yourself and enjoy being alone.

Mr. Yang Jiang especially likes to be alone.

although she lives in the same room with her husband Qian Zhongshu and daughter Qian Yuan, the three have an unwritten rule: each stay in one place, do not interfere with each other, and enjoy a rich silence.

in such a large room, there is no TV or telephone, and the only thing that makes sound is the sound of flipping through books and the jar of traditional Chinese medicine.

she doesn't like to socialize either. in her later years, she basically sees no one except for interviews, writes at her desk all day, and enjoys a moment of delight.

in this way, Mr. Yang Jiang still shines in his solitude. The three of us, written at the age of 92, has published more than one million copies, and at the age of 103, he has published nine volumes of the complete works of Yang Jiang.

in her opinion, "people's life is nothing more than knowing themselves, training themselves, and voluntarily reforming themselves."

get rid of meaningless socializing, discard disagreeable circles, and spend more time on yourself.

when people are alone, they can know more confidently what they want and live their lives.

loneliness is the best value-added period, but unfortunately, the more people go backward, the less time they spend alone.

instead of being strong, it is better to learn to be alone in the second half of life, to read and write, to watch the flowers bloom, to watch the clouds roll, and to experience the best time in life.

Zhang ailing said:

"when people reach middle age, they often feel lonely. Because when you open your eyes, you find that you are surrounded by people who depend on you, and there are no people you want to rely on at all. "

but what I want to say is that when you are middle-aged and have no friends, it is something to celebrate.

for middle-aged people, defeating loneliness is not in the hustle and bustle of people, but to enrich themselves, so that the body, mind, state can be in a comfortable and comfortable state.

instead of following blindly, it is better to stick to your heart and take the initiative to reduce low-quality social interaction.

instead of fawning, it is better to hold happiness and spend more time with your family.

instead of being strong, it is better to learn to be alone and leave time to yourself.

people live in middle age, and now they wake up and spend the rest of their lives in the past. The rest of the time should be left to precious people and things to manage their own lives.

May you and I both do what we have to do, do what we want to do, focus on our hearts, and enrich ourselves for the rest of my life.

one book a week is released by authorization.

the feeling of loneliness in life is like a hidden but sharp thorn that stings when you are not careful.

therefore, we make as many friends as possible, hoping that the warmth of friendship can bring a calming effect to counter the unbearability of the world.

hide your inner self, give up your real preferences and ideas, and try to fit into the circle, but what's the result?

We found that pretending to be gregarious was really tiring and not good.

as the saying goes, "if the circles are different, there is no need for forced integration."

the circle of strong integration seems to be harmonious, but in fact it is surging in private.

some people show off, some people are sought after, some people are born with gold spoons, some people struggle half their lives to live in the basement, forced to squeeze together, but also for the sake of the so-called fame and wealth.

now that you have passed the age of going with the wind and waves, it is more important to make time for yourself and enjoy being alone.

Mr. Yang Jiang especially likes to be alone.

although she lives in the same room with her husband Qian Zhongshu and daughter Qian Yuan, the three have an unwritten rule: each stay in one place, do not interfere with each other, and enjoy a rich silence.

in such a large room, there is no TV or telephone, and the only thing that makes sound is the sound of flipping through books and the jar of traditional Chinese medicine.

she doesn't like to socialize either. in her later years, she basically sees no one except for interviews, writes at her desk all day, and enjoys a moment of delight.

in this way, Mr. Yang Jiang still shines in his solitude. The three of us, written at the age of 92, has published more than one million copies, and at the age of 103, he has published nine volumes of the complete works of Yang Jiang.

in her opinion, "people's life is nothing more than knowing themselves, training themselves, and voluntarily reforming themselves."

get rid of meaningless socializing, discard disagreeable circles, and spend more time on yourself.

when people are alone, they can know more confidently what they want and live their lives.

loneliness is the best value-added period, but unfortunately, the more people go backward, the less time they spend alone.

instead of being strong, it is better to learn to be alone in the second half of life, to read and write, to watch the flowers bloom, to watch the clouds roll, and to experience the best time in life.

Zhang ailing said:

"when people reach middle age, they often feel lonely. Because when you open your eyes, you find that you are surrounded by people who depend on you, and there are no people you want to rely on at all. "

but what I want to say is that when you are middle-aged and have no friends, it is something to celebrate.

for middle-aged people, defeating loneliness is not in the hustle and bustle of people, but to enrich themselves, so that the body, mind, state can be in a comfortable and comfortable state.

instead of following blindly, it is better to stick to your heart and take the initiative to reduce low-quality social interaction.

instead of fawning, it is better to hold happiness and spend more time with your family.

instead of being strong, it is better to learn to be alone and leave time to yourself.

people live in middle age, and now they wake up and spend the rest of their lives in the past. The rest of the time should be left to precious people and things to manage their own lives.

May you and I both do what we have to do, do what we want to do, focus on our hearts, and enrich ourselves for the rest of my life.

one book a week is released by authorization.