12 good habits to enrich yourself (must read)
12 good habits to enrich yourself (must read)
People don't grow old slowly, but in an instant.


there is a poem: "how many springs can there be in life?" The years make one grow old mercilessly. "

under the wind and frost of the years, heroes will turn white and beauties will twilight.

but there are always some people who can escape the bitterness of fleeting time and be treated gently by time.

the more they live, the more fulfilling they are because they have 12 good habits that are worth learning!


work and rest properly

irregular work and rest, immunity is easy to decline, the body is easy to get sick.

people who can't sleep well are listless all day, and sometimes irritable and irritable, making people fat.

people with good sleep quality are energetic, their faces are bright, and their faces tend to be younger than their peers.

after a busy day, a deep sleep, the body in the sweet dream of self-repair, ease the hard work of the day, is the best health care products.



the Little Prince says:

what makes life so beautiful is the sincerity and childlike innocence we hide. "

people have to have some fun no matter when and where they are. It has been a pleasure since childhood.

childlike innocence, know the world rather than the world, do not restrain themselves for the feathers of one place, but still remain curious and enthusiastic about everything.

Open yourself to your heart's content and release your naive nature, and you will be able to live freely, willfully and happily.


keep your appearance clean and tidy at all times

some people think that keeping good health means eating all kinds of health products, eating more certain foods, soaking Chinese wolfberry, and so on.

keeping in good health nourishes both internal and external spirits.

if you comb your hair, you will be much younger immediately; if you shave your beard frequently and trim your eyebrows, your face will be neat and radiant.

paying attention to image and beauty is a positive attitude towards life.


study for more than 30 minutes a day

Confucius said, "if you keep learning, you will stop closing the coffin."

only by constantly learning can we avoid aging and keep pace with the times.

Mr. Qian Weichang, a famous educator, taught himself Russian at the age of 44, battery at 58, and computer after the age of 64.

Let knowledge influence you, broaden your vision of problems, be more flexible and have a more novel mind.


likes to make friends

A study shows that

people with extensive social networks are 50% more likely to live longer than those with fewer friends, and not interacting with people for a long time is harmful to body and mind.

sharing pleasure with friends doubles happiness; sharing hardship halves sorrow.

with our friends, we get support and keep healthy habits together.

so it is appropriate for some people to compare friends to happy birds.

I like to make friends, or have two or three bosom friends, and have more life experience to make my life more fulfilling and happy.


Don't deal with bad people

as the old saying goes, "Dragons don't fight with snakes, and lions don't compete with mad dogs for food."

entanglement with bad people is not only a waste of life, but also often at the expense of 800.

when it comes to bad people and bad things, it's like meeting a dead end, turning a corner and turning around.

stop the loss in time, turn the story in time, do what you like, and be with the person you like.


keep exercising, keep exercising

those who persist in sports for a long time are becoming more beautiful, more handsome, more self-disciplined, better and healthier in varying degrees.

exercise can not only maintain good health, but also improve memory.

having a sport that you love and persist in, such as walking, mountain climbing, dancing, your body, mind and mind will really be different.

exercise is the secret of keeping the body young, the most natural secret of maintenance, and the best way to build a body.

regular exercise will make you more self-disciplined and know how to plan your time reasonably, so that you won't waste your time.


manage emotions

it is only natural to have seven emotions and six desires, joys and sorrows.

if emotions are allowed to run rampant, they will become slaves to emotions, becoming increasingly depressed and depressed.

Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions always thinks sadly when things happen. She loses her temper, is jealous, and is depressed. She ends up depressed.

manage emotions and let emotions serve you.

emotional stability is actually the best way to maintain good health.


I am young in mind and don't think I am old

A study also shows that people who live longer tend to feel much younger than their age.

Youth is not a time of life, but a state of mind.

if you love and enjoy life, you will never grow old.

it's never too late to start life. It's never too late to do what you like, no matter what age or stage it is.

if you live a little more wonderful every day than yesterday, you will naturally be much happier, more interesting and much more energetic.


balanced nutrition and suitable shade

You will be the center of attention in our gorgeous size 00 homecoming dresses. Our stylish options are gentle on your pocket.

when many people reach a certain age, they are especially afraid of the "three highs", so the three meals are served with green vegetables with white porridge.

is too light, likeGrowing vegetables only watering but not fertilizing, the body can not get enough nutrition, but can not grow well.

the importance of diet lies in balanced nutrition: eat meat reasonably and have the right amount of meat and vegetables.


normal heart

No one is destined to be happy, and no one is doomed to misfortune.

the heart must be blue in order to prop up a clear dream.

when the road is smooth, stick to the ordinary mind of modesty and prudence; when going downhill, keep optimistic and open-minded.

inner youth and vitality have nothing to do with wealth. If you are not afraid of change and time, you will be able to feel the truth of life in ordinary times.

in spite of favor and disgrace, I am idle to watch the pre-court flowers blossom and fall; whether I go or stay unintentionally, I will follow the clouds outside the sky.


change facial expressions and smile more

A survey shows that more than 80% of centenarians believe that being in a good mood is the key to longevity.

smile more, spend every day with joy, and illness will shy away from you.

smile for less than ten years, sorrow makes your head white.

people who love to laugh give people the feeling that they are full of vitality. No matter how old they are, they are always young.

people don't grow old slowly, but in an instant.

A young body is not a good appearance or a large figure, but a strong body and vigorous spirit.

keep a youthful attitude and spend every day steaming hot.

May everyone be physically strong, young, and enjoy a beautiful life.

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